We understand that all students start with different needs and strengths, which is why we offer the most personalized SAT course available.
Before classes begin, all TestTakers students take a full-length diagnostic SAT so we can analyze their initial skills and group them appropriately into separate, small classes for Math and English. Additionally, we have developed different levels of materials tailored to help students improve upon their individual starting points and ensure that no one ever feels out of place in class. Such catered instruction sets us apart from the "one-size-fits-all" approach of other programs, which use one set of materials designed for a hypothetical "average" student, failing to reflect the diversity and needs of actual students.
Also unlike some bureaucratic national courses, our small size allows us to be more flexible and adaptive to students' individual needs. In addition to the vast amount of assistance we provide in the classroom, students have several ways to receive individual attention. Our teachers are easy to contact directly by email or phone, and, subject to availability, students can set appointments to meet one-on-one with teachers before class. Most importantly, all students have extensive access to their Site Directors, who are experts in all subjects and facets of the test. Everyone at TestTakers is unflinchingly dedicated to raising your student's score.